Sunday, June 7, 2009

We Must Tell the World

Arthur Simmons writing.

My friends, it seems that you've all finally come to believe that the indoor pool discovered at our swim party is not just any old pool, but Purgatory! Now, it seems that all of you truly believe this, but there are a couple of things that make me that there are others who don't.

First of all, Maxwell, Draw, Benny-J, and myself all tried to convince others who were in Purgatory that it was Purgatory. When people entered, we would say, "Welcome to Purgatory," and when they left we would say, "You are now leaving Purgatory." We also tried to tell the old people swimming that they were in Purgatory. Unfortunately, NO ONE BELIEVED US! We even told Maxwell's mother that we had gone to Purgatory. She took it as a joke, saying things like, "Are you better because of it?" and, "Did you meet any friends there?" Other adults said similar things.

This is an issue of national, if not international, concern. The world must know that we have found the entrance to Purgatory. Also, from this blog, it appears that there's another man named Mark Greenman who has died and is now stuck in Purgatory. His story must be made public, as well. Not to forget the fact that it truly pains me heart to see all the old people swimming like snails in that pool, not knowing that they could be swimming for a very, very, VERY long time.

Anyone who can attest to the fact that we have found Purgatory, please do so. Beware, however, that there will be lots of media and religious authorities who will want to investigate this. No doubt the Vatican will send a number of their clergy to look into this matter more deeply. Be prepared for this.

If any of you do write on this blog about your experiences in Purgatory, please don't forget to leave your name. This is Arthur Simmons, signing off.

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